Service Restoration Inc. – Minneapolis, MN
Fire sprinkler in student housing building
Operational Date
Loss Date 8/17/2020 12:00:00 AM
Job Started 8/16/2020 9:08:00 PM
Vendor Received 8/16/2020 7:40:00 PM
Dry-out Confirmed 9/4/2020 4:30:00 PM
Insured Contacted 08/16/2020 08:40:00 PM
Total drying time 18 Days. 19 Hr. 22 Min.
Inspection Date 8/16/2020 8:40:00 PM
Completion Date 9/4/2020 4:29:39 PM
Day 1
- Called customer Onsite
- Note emailed to the following:
- Supervisor: Brian L
- Customer Contacted has been entered for Job - MN-WTR
- Site Inspected has been entered for Job - MN120-WTR
- Work Authorization Approved has been entered for Job
- Work Started has been entered for Job - MN-WTR
Day 2
Day 3
- Stopped by the job today to walk the job with Jason to see the progress and the goals.
Spoke with the Adjuster this afternoon.
Put his information in the system and also let him know we would be interested in doing the build back as well. Will be back out there tomorrow to see progress and what the next steps will be. - When I was at the job on Sunday night it was said by the property manager that he wanted us to do the build back also. It is expected that the build back project manager be out and make introduction and make buildback seamless as
they are right at their annual lease turn. Today actually is renewal day.
Day 4
Thought I would give you all a quick update of what is going on at Arrow Apartments as of now.
The report below is made from Jason C. who is the PM on site.
We are continuing to remove the blown in insulation from above the ceilings. We have two machines on site sucking it out and will continue until it is removed.
We removed the lids of the hallways in the 17 stack and go as much insulation out of the rooms as we could. We still had to cut some troughs in other rooms to get more access.
We are continuing to heat up the subfloor with desiccants and pulling moisture from the drywall and studs. We are
trying to get everything dry as we evaluate the flooring as we go.
If need be, we will make the determination on removing the flooring after we see how everything dries around it.
Drying documentation is being recorded on MICA drying software.
I walked Megan through the property today, to get her familiar with it. We would love to do the rebuild for you as well
and she would be the Project Manager if you would like hire us for that portion. It would be good that she could start
ordering material as soon as possible, so there is less down time to get those rooms occupied as quickly as feasible.
Jasons Report:
Todays Progress
A: cut ceiling in main hallways and -12 rooms from 4th to second
B: cover items with protective plastic
C: place floor protection down on 1st unit and 4th unit.
D: check maintenance rooms for moisture
E: changed out dumpster
F: pulled insulation out of 1st floor ceiling cavity
G: room 517
a)remove drywall to open bathroom cavity
b)removed baseboards and trim
H: room 417
a) cleaned floor and laid down floor guard to protect vinyl
I: room 412
a) laid floor guard in bedroom 412
b) cut ceiling out for insulation removal
J: room 212
a) laid floor guard in bedroom 212
b) cut ceiling out for insulation removal
K: 4th floor main hallway
a) laid floor guard in hallway
b) cut ceiling out for insulation removal
Tomorrows goals:
A. Remove toe kicks from 5th
B. Pull insulation from hallways
C. Pull insulation out of surrounding rooms -12 apt stack and -18 apt stack
If you have a water damage, fire damage, or biohazard emergency in Minneapolis Minnesota, contact our Service Restoration Inc Minneapolis local office for immediate assistance.
Day 05
Walked the job today with Jason and Daniel. Looks like we are making some progress on the floors, but some areas are still high.
The plan is to get the rest of the insulation out by end of day tomorrow, Friday 8-28-2020. Then keep drying
equipment running all weekend, while just monitoring and reevaluate the flooring on Monday morning to see where we are and if we need to remove any of the vinyl or cabinets. We have removed over 3 dumpsters of blown in insulation so far. That insulation is inhibiting the floor drying process from below.
There have been some students dropping things off in the units that are being dried. Couple issues with that is anything in there that will melt, like candles, make up, or any chocolates. If the floors need to come out, then all their belongings will be in the way. There is also students that have not moved their things out of some units and if the floors need to come out, they will need to relocate all their items.
Todays Progress:
A. Removing insulation from 4th floor kitchen
B. Removing insulation from 3rd main hallway
C. Moisture readings and equipment check
D. Floor cleaning and detailing
E. Drywall cuts in kitchens
F. Continue to control the environment with dehumidification and air movement
G. Removed insulation on 2nd main hallway
a) removed drywall in kitchen
b) removed insulation in kitchen and packaging room
I. Room 417
a) removed drywall in kitchen
b) removed insulation
J. Room 312
a) removed insulation from bedroom
K. 3rd Main hallway
a) removed insulation
b) cleaned floor in hallway
L. 2nd main hallway
a) removed insulation
M. Room 212
Tomorrow goals
A. Finish insulation removal on 4th floor completely
B. Finish insulation removal on 3rd floor completely
C. Finish insulation removal on 2nd
Todays Progress:
A. Removing insulation from 1st floor kitchen ceiling
B. Removed drywall on 1st floor office
C. Moisture readings and equipment check
D. Floor cleaning and detailing
E. Drywall cuts in kitchens
F. Got a new dumpster switch
G. Removed insulation on 2nd floor
H. Office
a) removed drywall in kitchen
b) removed insulation in kitchen and packaging room
I. Room 217
a) removed drywall in kitchen
b) removed insulation
J. Room 318
a) removed insulation from bathroom C
K. 2nd Main hallway
a) places carpet protection down in front of 212
b) cleaned floor in hallway
L. Room 317
a) removed drywall in kitchen
b) removed insulation from kitchen ceiling
Tomorrow goals
A. Finish insulation removal on 3rd main hallway
B. Finish insulation removal on 2nd
C. Finish insulation removal on 1st floor
Todays Progress:
A. Removing insulation from 1st main hallway
B. Removed drywall on 1st floor office
C. Moisture readings and equipment check
D. Floor cleaning and detailing
E. Drywall cuts in kitchen
F. Removed drywall in 2nd mechanical rooms.
G. Place air scrub on 1st floor
H. Room 417
a) removed drywall in kitchen
I. Room 317
a) removed drywall in kitchen
b)removed insulation
J. Room 217
a) removed drywall in kitchen
K. 1st main Hallway
a) removed insulation from ceiling
b) placed air scrubber
L. Office
a) removed drywall in kitchen
b) removed insulation from ceiling
Day 06
- 9/2 JTC today we are finishing the vinyl flooring in 17 and 12 stacks. We are removing vinyl that is underneath the sinks and toilets. We removed the vinyl flooring without detaching 17 vanity sinks and 17 toilets. Then we placed the desiccant in 1,2,3,4 floor 17 apartments with lay flat running down each hallway on the floor to dry the floor as much as possible with that adhesive in the way.
- 9/4 JTC arrived on site to monitor equipment and get moisture readings. All materials has reached its emc and we are removing all equipment from the premises. We are cleaning from the top floor to the bottom office. Had the wall in the lobby area, main level office covered with plastic after the pipe was fixed from that drain. Micheal Spares signed the CoS and I returned both key fobs back to Amy.
Day 07
Opening statement
Date 8/16/2020
Technicians Names: Jason C.
Cause of Loss: Water Affected Areas Defined: Five apartment floors have been affected.
Category and Class of Loss and Reason For Categorization and Class: Cat 2 class 3 water from sprinkler system on top floor.
Extraction Method: 2 portable extraction machine
Drying Plan Strategy, Technology and Time Table: Closed drying chamber, Dehumidification and air movement, 10 days dry time Dehumidification Recommendation Per Drying Chamber/ Dehu used: average 100 pints per drying chamber/ Phoenix
7000XL, Phoenix drymax XL, Desiccant dehumidifiers
Demolition: removal of drywall, removal of insulation, removal of doors and door frames. Some detachment of cabinets and vanities, and lights fixtures are removed. Removal of carpet squares and baseboards.
Subrogation Potential: None available Any Exceptions to Contact or Inspection Times: Property management is on site
Notes: arrived on site to new loss emergency call. Extracted all apartment from the 5th floor to the first floor. Placed dehumidifier and air movers to stabilize the atmospheric relative humidity. Will return tomorrow to evaluate water damage and mitigation strategies.
Day 08
- 8/17 JTC arrived on site to inspect the damage and get and idea of how big our work scope will be. Got in contact with the property manager Michael Spares and he gave us access to the front lobby door. Started in the apartment 517
which is the epic center of the water loss. The tenant had a candle on the bed and it caught the bed on fire which triggered the sprinkler system to go off. Water was 2-3" high from wall to wall the entire apartment. Walls and floors
was damaged, baseboards, door frames, doors, and vanities was also damaged. Vinyl flooring is damaged and will be removed.
On the other floors they are class 3 because of the ceiling and walls are also affect with the floors. Under the vinyl is a concrete layer with plastic vapor barrier protection for the subfloor. Framing is wood and there is bat insulation and
blown in insulation. We added more dehumidifiers and airmovers to all lower units to keep humidity low and dry remaining water. The walls are quarter inch drywall with most of it covered in latex paint texture. Spent most of the day sketching and moisture mapping. Other techs was prepping apartments for drywall cuts on hallway ceiling, and removing baseboards, content manipulation, and tenant Q&A''s. Had the electrician come out today and turn on power to most rooms he was able to enter. I am still waiting for a answer on categorizing the lose as a cat 2 or cat 3. I''m going with cat 2 to be on the safe side of unnecessary demo work.
Cut out the ceiling in apartment 217, 317, and 417. We need to get to 1st floor office hallway tomorrow and finish the demo on the rest of the floor. - 8/18 JTC arrived on site to continue demolition of affected ceilings and monitor equipment if possible. I was able to finish the sketch today and added mica data in. We was able to start insulation removal on the 2nd and 3rd floor. We
cut the hallway ceiling on the 1st floor office and removed insulation. Removed more baseboards in hallways and removed carpet squares on the 5th, 4th and 3rd main hallway.
Category 2 is the water loss category because there is no glycerin mixed in the water from the sprinkler system.
There is no need to demo the 3rd bedroom in apartment 517. Had the walls wiped with wall wash, and will add a vapor shark to make any odors eliminated. We added desiccant to 2nd floor and 3rd floor. Moved dehumidifier to other
locations on the same floors to help dry the areas. Electrician came back out to finish apartment 417 which is the same place he wasn''t able to enter Monday.
Next step is to remove drywall that is on the stud heads that air can''t get behind. Remove door frames that are damaged and to set up more desiccants on other floors.
Day 09
- 8/19 JTC arrived on site to continue drying and demolition work. We continue to remove wet insulation from each floor ceiling. Waiting for tube extension to reach hallways ceiling to pull insulation out. Once the insulation is gone we can dry the drywall and the sub flooring faster. Lower walls are drying and some are at drying goal. Remove doors and door
frames that was affected and swollen from 5th, 4th, 3rd, some on 2nd and 1st floors in -17 apartment stack.
Picked up ram floor guards and tape today. We are going to lay that down as soon as we get time. Vinyl floors are reading moisture in some area on the 5th floor. We need to remove those floor panels if it doesn''t dry. - 8/20 JTC arrived on site to continue drying and demolition. We laid floor guard down on the 1st and the 4th floor. Pull insulation out the 1st floor office ceiling cavity. That office took a lot of time to pull that insulation out. Starting to shrink water down to spot and we are opening up ares in the bathroom to check the behind showers.
Had the floors cleaned up by company contents crew member. Vacuumed hallways and swift the vinyl floors to lay down floor protection. We lost power in the hallway so we are postponed on drying out the maintenance room. Called
electrician out to repair that and some light fixtures we missed. He fixed the light fixtures but could get to the hallway power box. Had a hard time getting property manager to help find mechanics room with power electric box. He was busy with students moving in and out.
Tomorrow we are going to detach sinks on the 5th floor. Remove more toe kicks on the 4th floor. Remove more insulation on the 4th and 3rd floors
Day 10
Day 11
- 8/22 JTC arrived on site to continue removal of insulation. added more floor protection to 17 stacks. Removed drywall in the ceiling on the 4th floor. Set up desiccant in 417 to dry the subflooring of the 5th floor. Removed drywall in the maintenance room in the main hallway where the AC unit is for the hallway. Needed to see in the ceilings cavity.
Removed insulation in 317 and clean the floors to lay floor protection in that unit. Removed drywall in the main hallway to get the insulation with the second insulation machine. we are gonna pull as much wet insulation out as possible then move down to the lower levels by tomorrow. - 8/23 JTC arrived on site to continue blown in insulation removal on 4th and 3rd floor. We have insulation in all the main hallways. We can reach over the hallway wall and pull insulation out from the ceilings over the bathrooms in the 18
stack apartments, and some over the kitchen in the 16 stacks. Not all the ceiling was affect in the 16 stack apartments.
216 didnot show any signs of water and 116 was not affected that much but the corner in the bathroom. We spent all of the day pulling insulation from the hallways on the 4th and the 3rd.
Day 12
- 8/24 JTC arrived on site to continue removal of blown in insulation. Started today on the 3rd and 1st floor with the removal of insulation. We reached in the hallways and in the 12 stack apartments with the extra hoses that came. An
extra dessicant arrived set it up in the 1st floor. We cut more drywall from the ceiling on the 1st floor main hallway.
finished removing drywall from the bathrooms to get airmovent under and behind the tubs. We are looking good as far as demolition work, but there is a lot of insulation to reach and extract. - 8/25 JTC arrived on site to continue blown in insulation removal. we had to double up on the 1st floor today to extract as much insulation from the 1st to match the other floors. Both insulation machines was extracting on the 1st, one in the kitchen and one in the hallway finishing up from yesterday. The safety inspector came today to make sure we was practicing safe working and in safe PPE gear. Later we had got a visit from the city of Minneapolis about having permit for the dumpster and trucks being placed in the bicycle lane. We obtained the permits that we needed to keep our trucks close to the work site in the bicycle lane. Most of the we extracted the insulation from the 1st floor. On the other
floors, we removed drywall in the kitchen on each floor to reach and extract more drywall. - 8/26 JTC arrived on site to continue dehumidification and air movement. During our extraction of the blown in insulation, we had a visit from a building inspector Kyle Baker. he informed me that we need to have him inspect our work at the end of the job, and if we are doing rebuild he needs to inspect materials during rebuild and the finish work.
I have an issue with the adhesive under the vinyl flooring. I believe i'm getting high readings from the adhesive and not the jutcrete slab